Buying a Second Home in Central Florida? 3 Things to Consider
If you’re considering purchasing a second home, Florida has a ton going for it. There’s the beach, with the Gulf of Mexico on one side of the state and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. The climate is warm enough to attract Northerners looking to escape the snow and ice for the winter. If spoiling the grandkids is your thing, it’s hard to beat a state that has both Universal Studios and Disney World, among numerous other tourist attractions. Year-round golf doesn’t hurt the state, either.
Why Buy a Second Home?
Ask yourself why you want and need a second home. If you visit Central Florida once a year, and usually stay in a hotel, it might not make financial sense. If you live in another state and choose to stay in Central Florida during the winter months, a second home definitely makes sense. You need to evaluate how much time you’ll spend in this second home and whether you really want to go back to that same place year after year.
What Should I Know Before Buying a Vacation House?
If you’re buying a home in Central Florida, there are a couple of things you should think about before moving forward, as there are some extra costs associated with living in the Sunshine State.
If you plan to spend winters in Central Florida, there’s less chance that it’ll be unbearably hot, but it can still get pretty warm at times, so there may be a point when you want to turn on an air conditioner. You’ll have to plan for those electric bills.
Even in areas that have great weather, every once in a while, Mother Nature throws a curveball. In Central Florida’s case, the most serious of these curveballs tend to come in the form of a hurricane. Because much of the state is susceptible to heavy damage from hurricanes and tropical storms, there’s a good chance you’ll have to buy flood insurance coverage in many areas of the state, in addition to traditional homeowners insurance.
Questions to Ask Our Agents When Buying a Vacation House in Central Florida
The questions you should ask our real estate agents are the same as they would be if you were buying a second home anywhere.
Among them, you might ask the following:
If the house isn’t new, why is the owner selling? Are there any known problems listed on the seller disclosure that are big red flags?
How long has the house been on the market? This might help you get a sense of how willing the owner will be to sell and negotiate on the price.
What do other properties comparable to the one I’m looking at sell for?
What’s the property tax rate in this area?
What are the fees that are standard for buyers to pay at closing? Which fees are typically the responsibility of the seller? What’s negotiable?
When you contact the experts at GR Realty Experts you will going to get someone who knows the local Central Florida market, particularly in the areas in which you’re looking, and also experience negotiating deals in your price range. Our experience and rapid results speak for ourselves.
It’s a lot to consider for anyone, but if you’re looking to find a Central Florida real estate Expert, GR Realty Experts can help you find your dream vacation home based on your goals.